
What You Should Do If You Have A Car Accident?


What You Should Do If You Have A Car Accident?

Jun 29, 2024 | 5 min read

What You Should Do If You Have A Car Accident?

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Aditi Patel

Top 10 Car Warranties Editor

We all try to avoid accidents, but there are certain situations that we cannot control. If something unfortunate happens, knowing the next step will help you move on smoother. Try to remain calm despite the stressful environment. If you want to prepare yourself for the unexpected, read on to follow our guide.

1. Prioritize safety

Your number one priority after a vehicular accident is to keep yourself and any companion safe. Assess whether anyone is hurt and call for medical help if you find any injuries. If you have children, the elderly, and pets with you, bring them to a safer location and avoid leaving them in the car after the accident.

If it’s a minor collision without any injured passenger, take note that no one was hurt so the other driver can’t claim recompense for an injury later.

2. Notify the relevant authorities

Some states require you to call the police when an accident occurs. Dial 911 and provide them with the details of your exact location. Do not drop the call unless the dispatcher tells you that it’s okay to end it. The police will help you file an accident report so you should notify them if the other party fled the scene, if you suspect the use of substances, if the driver appears to be under the influence of alcohol, or if you believe that they caused the accident intentionally.
If no one from the police arrives at the scene, find the nearest police station and file the report on your own. Ask for a copy of the report which you’ll need for your insurance claim. Most states give you 72 hours to file a report.

3. Don’t leave the scene

Don’t leave the location of the accident. What you should do is to immediately find a safe area nearby. Use road flares and turn on the hazard lights to let other drivers know about the situation. If the car cannot move, bring yourself and any passengers you have away from the collision site and to a sidewalk nearby.

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4. Talk to the other party

Proceed with care when you talk to the other party since you do not know what emotional state they’re in. You could be in danger if they are furious about the situation. Protect or hide your valuable items before leaving your vehicle. There are cases where the accidents are planned to steal valuable belongings.

Avoid pointing blame which could lead to an angry scene. Calmly stick to the facts of the situation and avoid pinning fault on the other. The insurance adjuster should examine the vehicles to find out who’s was at fault. In addition, eyewitnesses, police reports, photographs, and information from both parties will be used to assess the situation.

5. Exchange information

All parties are legally required to share their information if there is damage or injury from an accident. Find out if the driver is also the owner of the car involved in the accident. If not, it’s imperative that you get the information of the actual car owner. What details should you have after an accident?

• Name and contact details

• Driver’s license number

• Plate number

• Insurance company

• Insurance policy number

• Vehicle type and model

• Exact location of the accident

If there are witnesses to the car accident, ask them to provide their name and contact number so you can ask them for help if needed.

6. Document the site

Record any information you can whether that’s your observation of the situation or photos and videos from your camera and send them to your email or cloud storage. What details do you need to record after an accident?

• Make, model, license plate number, and color of all cars involved in the accident

• Date and time of the accident

• Specific road conditions (street signs, lighting, and weather at the time)

• Damage sustained by vehicles or the surrounding property

7. File an insurance claim

Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. It might be tempting to agree on a deal without dealing with insurance but we highly oppose it. Letting your insurance provider know about the accident can help protect you from future damage claims.

Some drivers are afraid of getting the insurance provider involved but the company can actually help you view your options. If you have a liability waiver, you don’t need to worry about your deductible if you’re not at fault. Provide your car registration number and insurance policy number to your agent. Your insurance provider will also need the other driver’s details such as name, contact number, insurance details, and address.

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8. Get a medical checkup

You might not feel anything after the accident but there might be invisible injuries that you’ll only feel 24 to 48 hours after the accident. Get yourself checked by a doctor to ensure you don’t have any injuries. Head, internal organ, and spinal cord injuries are not always immediately obvious but these could lead to long-term damages if untreated.

9. Take your car to a repair center

If the vehicle suffered some serious damage, you should call for a tow truck and get it delivered to a repair center. Check your roadside assistance plan if they can cover the cost of towing. Note the towing company and the driver’s contact details.

Make sure that you send your car to a trusted mechanic. Accidents can cause major damage to your car parts and system. Cutting corners when it comes to repairs might lead to worse results. If you’re concerned about the expensive costs of repair, you can check out extended car warranty plans to help you cover these kinds of expenses.

10. Prepare as much as you can

Organize and file all documents related to the car accident such as contact details of drivers involved, claim number, rental, and repair receipts. You should also save your registration, proof and insurance, and a checklist for things you need to do after an accident.

Our priority is to always keep safe and avoid accidents. However, there are some elements that we can’t control which could lead to emergencies. Knowing what steps you need to follow after a car accident will help you remain calm and in control. Remember these tips should you or anyone you know get into an accident.

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